Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mukul Shukla Sandford International School Addis Ababa

Visiting Ethiopia after 35 years. It all started around 2007, thanks to internet, I managed to locate Gabriela Tardio, my classmate and then more and more classmates and fellow students from the school were located. During one of my talks with Gabriela we discussed about meeting and we thought of the idea of meeting at our school. Gabriela then began floating the idea to all the school ex-students who would like to attend a school reunion.
Now I have to thank Gabriela and the reunion conceived which allowed me and also my wife, Alpana, to visit Addis Ababa again. It was very emotional for me, having grown up here, made so many good friends, like Negash Teklu Desta and meeting them again.
Visiting Akaki the place where my father worked and where we stayed, visiting the school, our favorite places in Addis Ababa and  meeting classmates and my favorite teachers, Mrs & Mr. Rispin was a dream cum true for me.

Mukul Shukla & Alpana at Addis Ababa Airport.

Sandford International School  1st School Reunion Feb 2011

Sandford International School Class of 1975 at the reunion

Mukul Shukla at Sandford International School 

Sandford International School at the playground Mukul  Shukla with Class of 1975

Mukul Shukla at Mrs & Mr. Rispin home - teachers from Sandford International School

Mukul Shukla with classmate from Sandford International School after 35 years - Negash Teklu Desta

Class of 1975 Sandford International School

Sandford International School - 1st Reunion February 2011